Thursday, October 21, 2010

Knowledge Worker Workflow

This is only a test..the english version is following soon.

Monday, October 11, 2010


After my failed experiment something different and gorgeous....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Early Adaptation and real Pen sum



In this evening I thought about my journey with the Synchronofile. Her e are the first adaptations.
Purpose; The Synchronofile is a tool of reflection and of keeping track of your thoughts, your feelings and your doings.
It is not the place where this is taking place; (in the moment I am doing right that)
Time; After 45 Minute of thinking, feeling and doing it's Time to reflect
For this deed I need 15 Minutes or less. The result is, that on an normal working day, with 8 hour of work, there will be 8 reflection moments. That's the pen sum.
Style; I play with the style of the evaluation charts. I also implemented them in an examination program. (open office. calc)
Think abstract 1 Analysis 2
2010. specific 3 Synthesis 1


My new experiment give my an positive feeling, but with an skeptical rumor. I don't trust until it is done.
Feel positiv 2 confident 2
2010. negative 0 non confident 1


In the last 45 minutes I write this note, I write on an article about john boyd.
Do write 3 speak 0
2010. read 1 listen 0
Good night and good luck.

Thoughts about the self image and his relation with Involvement of other's



To get someone involved in your thinking ore in your doing, I think you have to be very specific in and of “your image of yourself” ore your would be image of yourself. This is even true when you get yourself involved in your own thinking and doing. Why?
In an amorphous world full of possibilities in what to think, speak, read, write and all other forms of do everybody has to chose.
And in fact we do this all the time.
Throw this choosing we create conscious or/and unconscious all the time a world of thoughts and acts. This thought and act form the image of yourself and our behaviors.
My further thoughts are that with a coherent “image” and a coherent behavioral patterns of yourself the involving process gets much easier and faster, because there is a hole world that could be understood and that could be followed.
Thou more coherent, thou more specific, thou more plug in possibilities.
Be the way, I think that especially creativity, is in by a far extend the power of conscious choosing.

On track x
Off track

My new experiment give my an positive feeling, but with an skeptical rumor. I don't trust until it is done.
confident x
2010. negativ

No confident

In the last 45 minutes I write this note as an main task. Despite that clean up my office and did a little bit of exercises.
write x

On track


Off track

Friday, July 30, 2010

Surfing nuggets

The famous about nutrients and the current ideology about them.  

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mexican gulf oil spill

In my opinion the strategic view at this problem results in two questions:

First, what happens (to BP, Obama, the southern states, the oil industry, drilling regulations) when the oil leak is filled/closed?

Second, what happens when the oil leak in the Mexican golf can't be closed?

Which political and economic pressure groups will gain more influence from this environmental disaster and how will they put this "influence" in action.

I'm not an "expert" of oil leaks and I don't know how to repair them and therefore it is more interesting and fruitful to "speculate" (drawing likely conclusions) about the consequences of this actions (we may call them tactical or operational objectives or actions). 

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The core of Web 2.0 in 2:57 min - I'm a follower

How to create a movement in 2:57 min.

At you get the Transcript.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Collaborative is the path to the brighter future

Last weekend I visit, respectively, I participate on my first bar-camp. The educamp, in Hamburg. it
was very exited and mind opening. At first the issue "Education and web 2.0" and second the frame
of this congress, the bar-camp. But because I am a beginner in both fields, the issue of this message
is the following:
Education is not my core issue and I only participate because I accompanied a good friend, who is
active in this community. But in an short research after the event, about this "education community"
I discovered some patterns which evolve also in the
"global guerilla", "resilient communities" community. (This is the community, which is in the realm
of my interests)
But what kind of patterns did I discover in this very diverse communities?
The both try to find a path to "heal the world and make it an better place".
And this path seems to be an collaborative one.

John Robb, ideas about an "gifting economie" that could be realized throught MMO gaming (Massively Multiplayer online) as an tool. 

Jean-Pol Martin writes "the 9 rule of the neuron" , an first
draft for an manual of behavior for an human being that collaborates in an big community. Here is the goal to create a big probleme solving capacity. .

Life long learning - MIT for free

The famous MIT
offers a bunch of interesting open courses. Video lecture, presentation pdf, Lectures
Notes, Readings, Assignments...
I not yet figure out how it is with an "learning and support community" for feedback and
But this is an exellent source to generate knowledge.
At first I'm chose this one "Reflective Practice: An Approach for
Expanding Your Learning Frontiers"

I'm curios what kind of experience I'm gone make with self-learning. But perhaps I could convince
one or two friends to join the journey.

Hero of the week

The newest interview of Edward Luttwak on "Conversation with History" ( I love Harry Kreisler) reminds me
one more time of the extraordinary knowledge skills of this men. Luttwak took very abstract terms
and definition like "strategy" or "diplomacy" and put them, after you read it, obvious relation, fill
them with flesh aka examples and give you a deeper understanding of them.
Albeit you can not go with his concepts and argumentation his starting point give you the direction
of new thoughts.
For example, in my opinion he doesn't distinct very clearly between the "tactical level of strategy"
and "the operational level of strategy" and the "theatre level of strategy" it time, space, amount
of people and material or the amount and variety of instruments, like different arms branches? But
more on this later...